VAILO completed the Tolmer Speedway lighting project in June 2024, is Tolmer Speedway, a replica of the I-55 Raceway in Missouri, USA. I was tasked with capturing this project to showcase the company's strong ties to the motorsport world. Having acquired my RPA Operator Accreditation (drone), I story-boarded my vision for the video (as seen on the next page). As sunset was approaching, I began filming, covering all angles that I had planned for, and making sure the VAILO product was the hero of this piece, showcasing the beauty of the project and product. The footage was subsequently edited in Adobe Premiere Pro, and released publicly on the VAILO website and social media platforms. As mentioned previously, I began the Tolmer Speedway project by drawing storyboards. With the knowledge of how the VAILO product (Zenith Gen-V 1500W luminaire) functions, I made sure to present the product as premium. Certain angles such as a birds-eye-view shot to showcase the DMX control light show from above, or a long-shot to showcase magnitude of the project, were necessary to validate the work completed by VAILO's in-house engineers and lighting designers, but also as a marketing piece to attract new clients and business, as this was the space the company wanted to be in - world-class sporting projects.